I popped in to The Photographer's Gallery and came across this cool exhibition by Found Magazine. The idea behind the magazine is pretty simple. They collect things that people have found such as letters, photos and all sorts of objects. There's an entertaining mix of wierd, hilarious and beautiful stuff. You get to see snippets of stranger's lives and it's fascinating! I don't think the exhibition is there anymore but check out the website at http://www.foundmagazine.com/
hahah! i literally 'popped' in there too when i was in london! that exhibition was addictive once you looked at one thing you wanted to see everything else! a bit like this blog which is also a book.....http://postsecret.blogspot.com/ .....i love how all the postcards are really visual!
This is very much a concept of the time - there seems to be so much work with this kind of eclectic feel yet I agree completely it is addictive. This example is particularly addictive as much of the contents is personal, immediately making the audience more intrigued.
My friend bought the book and preceded to decorate her house with photocopied pages. She
even placed a mental health record of a person with the corresponding name on her door.
Its so fun and light-hearted but also gives us an insight into how people respond to the
obscure and unknown. I believe a major element to its success is the intrigue that is
created. We instantly want to know who, what why? Yet at the same time we know these questions will never be answered!
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